In Ukraine, flowers have become a symbol of resistance and hope amidst the hardships brought by Russia’s invasion. From purple petunias to yellow rock roses, blooms fill the streets of Kyiv as a way for Ukrainians to reconnect with their roots and express emotions. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy even brought a bouquet to a teenage girl injured in the war. Flowers are present in all aspects of Ukrainian life, from banknotes to prison yards.
Despite the ongoing war, flower vendors like Olha Semynog continue to do a brisk business, with men sending flowers home online and soldiers returning with bouquets. Sunflowers, the country’s national flower, symbolize Ukraine’s defiance and resilience in the face of conflict. Fields of sunflowers can be seen across the country, offering a sense of escape from the horrors of war.
Even in areas like Dobropark, which was occupied by Russian forces in 2020, Ukrainians are finding solace in nature and beauty. The park’s landscape designer, Olha Lyhvar, notes that despite destruction, life continues to flourish. Flowers, Ukrainians believe, not only represent tradition but also stand for hope and healing in a time of turmoil. They serve as a reminder that amidst chaos, beauty and joy can still be found.
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