A groundbreaking collaboration in Belgium is aiming to revolutionize steel production by using plasma technology to convert captured CO₂ into carbon monoxide (CO). This process could help decarbonize the steel industry, which is challenging to electrify due to its high CO₂ emissions. The technology, developed by Belgian company D-CRBN, uses renewable electricity to strip CO₂ molecules, converting them into CO that can be used in steelmaking.
The trial at ArcelorMittal’s plant in Gent is a miniature version of what could be a game-changing solution for reducing carbon emissions in the steel sector. The partnership between D-CRBN and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) is testing the feasibility of using captured CO₂ as a feedstock for the plasma reactor, with the aim of producing 1 million tonnes of CO₂ a year. This could significantly reduce the industry’s environmental impact.
The fully electrified process offers an exciting advancement in chemical technology and could have far-reaching applications beyond just steelmaking. By adding hydrogen to the mix, the technology can produce syngas for multiple industries, including the production of ethanol, methanol, and sustainable aviation fuels. The collaboration between D-CRBN, MHI, and ArcelorMittal shows promise for a greener future in steel production and could pave the way for a more sustainable industrial sector overall.
Photo credit spectra.mhi.com