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In entertainment news, the latest episode of ‘I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!’ featured Love Island favorite Maura Higgins and broadcaster Reverend Richard Coles joining the cast. While they are not roughing it like the other contestants, they are experiencing jungle life and surprising connections are being revealed. Coleen Rooney opened up about her relationship with Wayne Rooney, addressing his past cheating scandals. Other contestants include Coronation Street actor Alan Halsall and Strictly Come Dancing pro Oti Mabuse.
Tulisa Contostavlos recently shared that she identifies as demisexual and has been celibate for over three years. Her best friend spoke out about her health battle, including Bell’s palsy and cysts removal, urging the public to be kind. The public have raised questions about how Tulisa and Coleen Rooney appear so put together in the jungle, sparking rumors of sneaking in cosmetics. Amidst the drama of the jungle, viewers have expressed complaints about the latest trial and are eagerly anticipating future episodes to see what unfolds.
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